Saturday, May 05, 2012

Please Do NOT Use Your Cell Phone to Call Me or Email Me

Please Do NOT Use Your Cell Phone to Call Me or Email Me

As all of you know I, like millions around the world suffer from EHS which is caused by radiation from cell phones, antennas, WI-FI and other wireless sources. Because you are using your cell phone I cannot live, work and be in society. Because you use your cell phone I cannot go to a doctor or a hospital or to court to enforce my rights.

Whenever you use your cell phone or even just carry it open you add to the insane radiation in this world that is harming not only people with EHS but everyone including your children. When you use your cell phone more and more and for more applications you are causing the need of more antennas, stronger antennas and antennas that are using higher and higher frequencies. Because of these antennas I can no longer even
drive on the roads and find a place to live. 

Because of these antennas, every day more and more men women and children are getting sick. Every time you are using your cell phone and wireless internet you are causing to the adding of more satellites that provides a cloud of radiation from above and make it impossible for me to escape radiation and pain except maybe if I go underground. Every time you are using your cell phone the cell phone industry is making more money that enables it to pay more politicians fund more false research and pay more PR and media to publish these false research to cheat all of you into falsely believe that ‘the verdict on cell phones is not out and that there is no proof’(I am the proof). 

Every time you use your cell phone, you are giving money to the cell phone industry to pay more lawyers and use legal terrorism to keep government from taking actions and sick people to sue for the damage that cell phones caused. Every time you use your cell phone you support the industry’s efforts to portray me and other EHS as ‘crazy ‘which anyone who knows me knows it is ridiculously untrue. Every time you use your cell phone you are making me physically sick and my life more impossible and inhumane.

There can be no double standards.

So please respect my wish and DO NOT use your cell phone to call me or email me.

Dafna Tachover

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dafna. Your articulation is precisely what we need. Keep working for us, please.
    Perry Pierce
